
Shubin + Tan Landscape Architecture is a studio specialising in designing beautiful, climate-positive landscape for the vulnerable in society and nature to thrive. The studio provides landscape architectural services with a hyper-sustainable and thorough design process. We provide interdependent resilient landscapes for the climate and ultimately, the Earth. Shubin + Tan provides master planning, landscape architecture and urban design services. As practitioners and academics, we believe collaboration brings synergies. We work with specialists such as engineers, hydrologists, ecologists, arborists, horticulturists to bring better outcomes to each design. 


Mimicking the Earth’s processes, a system-thinking approach is applied to the design process along with a highly refined development process of landscape details. Development can be beneficial to both the environment and society. At Shubin + Tan Landscape Architecture, we are motivated to develop our projects with the following in mind.

Human Habitats

Education & Learning

Social Cohesion

Sense of Place

Mental and Cognitive Development

Recreation and Physical Health


Local Sourcing

Site Salvage & Reuse

Sustainable Certified Sources

No Hazardous Chemical Materials

Waste Reduction


Reduce Energy Usage

Produce Renewable Energy on Site

Waste to Energy


Food Production

Community Gardens

Food Waste to Composting Systems

Ecological Habitats

Wildlife Habitat Protection & Restoration

Biodiversity & Genetic Diversity

Enhance Ecological Performance

Pest & Disaster Prevention


Quality & Filtration, Reduce Usage

Stormwater Collection & Reuse

Wastewater Treatment

Moderation of Extreme Storm Events


Creation & Regeneration

Protection of Existing Health

Minimize Disruption

No Greenfield Topsoil Importation

Air & Climate

Carbon Sequestration

Climate Regulation & Greenhouse Gas


Thermal Comfort


Bronwyn Tan

Bronwyn trained as a Landscape Architect with over a decade of design experience in Singapore, SE Asia, and Europe. She has spent the last six years cross-training with ecologists and arborists working on environmental impact assessments, water-sensitive urban design and biodiversity-sensitive urban design. Prior to Shubin + Tan Landscape Architecture, Bronwyn has worked on the new Bird Park at Mandai, various water sensitive urban plans and biodiversity baseline assessments. Bronwyn currently teaches at the National University of Singapore and is developing curriculum of the new University of the Arts Singapore.

Ryan Shubin

Ryan is a Landscape Architect with over 15 years of international professional experience with a focus in design and landscape systems. He has overseen a variety of projects from waterfront parks to public show gardens to large scale hydrologic landscape master plans. Prior to Shubin + Tan Landscape Architecture, Ryan oversaw the design of public parks such as Lakeside Garden at Jurong Lake Gardens, National Orchid Garden and the Gallop Road Extension at Singapore Botanic Gardens.

